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title. De petits tots matàvem formigues  /  We All Killed Ants as Kids

date. 2013

city. Banyoles

company. El vol del pollastre

written and directed by Clàudia Cedó

Si el matem ell no sentirà res, serà un moment, i ella deixarà de patir. A la meva escola hi havia un nen que jugava amb les formigues del pati. Els hi aixafava les potetes i les antenetes, després mirava com morien lentament. De petits tots matàvem formigues, però hi havien nens cruels que les feien patir.

Una nova obra que Clàudia Cedó crea amb la Companyia El Vol del Pollastre. Propera al western i al cinema negre, De petits tots matàvem formigues ens acosta a un barri ple de secrets i històries entrecreuades que estan a punt de xocar irreversiblament.

If we kill him, he won’t feel anything, it will just be a moment, and she will stop suffering. At my school there was a child who played with the ants in the yard. He crushed their legs and antennae and then watched them slowly die. We all killed ants as kids, but there were cruel children who made them suffer.

A new work by Clàudia Cedó created in conjunction with the “El Vol del Pollastre” Company. Borrowing from the western and dark comedy genres, “We All Killed Ants as Kids” takes us to a neighborhood full of clumsy secrets and crossed paths that are about to irreversibly collide.


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